
Departure address:

(e.g. Eindhoven station)


(e.g. Schiphol Airport NL)
These rates are purely informative, you can not derive any rights from these calculations



Taxi Comfort has the following rates, we do not charge night rates:

Taxi (0 - 4 passengers):

Standard charge: € 3.20 after which we charge € 2.35 per KM and € 0.40 per min.

Taxi Van (5 - 8 passengers):

Standard charge: € 6.50 after which we charge € 2.95 per KM en € 0.45 per min.

For use of our Taxi Vans and wheelchair transportation we require a minimum distance of 5 kilometers (or approximately € 25, including the first 5 kilometers).

The waiting rate prior to- or between transport is € 40 per hour.

For transportation over a distance of 50 kilometers or more during off-peak hours a fixed price can be provided for you beforehand. Please contact us if you are interested in a fixed price option.